Runner WIth a Reason

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Inspirational Thoughts

For those of you who know me this may come as a bit of a shock.  As the title to this post would indicate, I have a couple inspirational things to share.  Yes, I said inspirational things to share - not something I normally do.  At any rate . . .

I made mention a few posts ago that I had watched a movie that made me rethink a few things.  Yesterday I saw another film that gave me pause, and I have been thinking even more about the future of this runner.  The first movie, Spirit of the Marathon, follows several runners at various levels training for marathons.  When watching it I realized there was more potential in me than I had given credit for.  The second movie, Running the Sahara, made me realize the potential for human spirit, and the limits to which the human body can go.

Both of these films brought to my attention the deep desire in most of us to push ourselves to limits we never thought possible, or to go even further than we had expected to push ourselves.  Personally, it drives home the point that I can do better, not just with my running, but with many other aspects of my life.  I can achieve more with the fundraising I am currently doing for OAR, I can do better as a husband and father, I can do more as a son, or any other aspect of my life.

Running is only part of who and what I am, though recently it has taken a higher priority than in years past.  I can hope that someone else will watch one, or even both of these films and something inspirational will be sparked.  Watch what these people go through, the lengths they strive towards to achieve something greater than they thought possible.  It may not be running, but I hope it drives you to do better in some part of your life.

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